Carona Cancellation Activites
As many people across the country are deciding to stay home and social distance out of safety precautions from schools, universities, and jobs, some people are finding they are stressed and lonely. Students may be struggling to adapt to online classes, and lots of people are feeling stir-crazy.
As a group, we had planned to initially hold a World Health Day event on Truman State Universities campus, however, seeing as that no longer is possible I want to give the opportunity for people to share what healthy habits and activities they plan on doing in quarantine. Your activities don't have to be all health-related but also personal goals and things you want to accomplish in these next few weeks.
As a group, we had planned to initially hold a World Health Day event on Truman State Universities campus, however, seeing as that no longer is possible I want to give the opportunity for people to share what healthy habits and activities they plan on doing in quarantine. Your activities don't have to be all health-related but also personal goals and things you want to accomplish in these next few weeks.
*Clean and organize kitchen cabinets
*think of posts for my elementary students on my library page
*laundry-because it never goes away
*learn new tech that doesn’t work well on my old devices
*cook way more than I usually do
*and did I mention read?